The No Roof Left Behind promotion for Pinellas County is now in its first full week of voting. Before the weekend, we got to see which four of the 100+ nominees became the finalists, and it’s down to two homeowners from St. Pete and two from Clearwater. As of this writing, we already have a clear leader too.
One month from today the voting period will end, and a few days later we’ll get the announcement naming the winner. At this point, we want to encourage all of our Arry’s Roofing customers, associates, friends and neighbors to get acquainted with the final four nominees and get your votes in early. We also invite you to share the promotion with others through your social media pages.
Current Leading Homeowner
A St. Petersburg woman is leading the way as of right now with nearly half of the votes. She’s a single mother with three young children who you can see in the photo on her nomination page. Their home is more than forty years old and in desperate need of a new roof.
Next Leading Homeowner
Another St. Pete homeowner has nearly 30% of the vote at this point. It’s actually a couple with a young child, who they describe as “severely disabled.” The photos they submitted include shots of interior damage in the home, caused by leaks in their failing roof.
The Clearwater Nominees
One of the nominees is a 57 year-old woman whose adult child submitted the nomination. The homeowner is described as a caregiver to others, and she’s been unable to secure a loan to replace her damaged roof. The roof damage has led to leaking, which has made a mess of at least one bedroom in the house.
The other Clearwater homeowner is retired and living under a roof that’s estimated to be more than 50 years old. Damage inside the home is apparent and has caused wood floors there to buckle. The homeowner lost a loved one recently too, adding to the burden of caring for the home.
Once you cast your vote, Arry’s Roofing welcomes you to share that finalists page on our Facebook page and Tweet it to us @arrysroofing. No Roof Left Behind makes that easy to do. Just look below the homeowner’s story for ways to spread the word.