Ever heard of a homeowner getting a new roof installed and needing it replaced a year later? It’s happened and not just because of storm damage. Faulty installation is another reason for it. But there is still another issue that can cause roofing (and other) problems for the Gulf Coast homeowner. It’s poor attic ventilation.
If the last roofing “contractor” you hired didn’t discuss attic ventilation with you, it might be because he didn’t have any experience in that area. So before your next roofing project, let’s get you acquainted with the need for roof vents and attic ventilation. It doesn’t need to be a long process since our friends at GAF, North America’s largest roofing manufacturer, have made it clear and concise on the company website that you can see by clicking HERE.
As you’ll see, poor attic ventilation can actually damage your shingles, ruin your insulation, and cost you money in higher energy bills. When you read the statistic that 9 out of 10 homes in North America do not have proper attic ventilation, you’ll wonder if you’re in the majority or the minority. If your roofing system has been prematurely aging, that could be a sign that you’re in the majority of that 9 out of 10. That’s when contacting a reputable roofing professional at once is the best step.
A roof replacement project is a major undertaking, no matter how large or small the home. Expertly installing a roofing system involves a thorough understanding of the need for a continual flow of air through the attic. So be sure to protect that investment by hiring a contractor who does more than install shingles.
If you’ve noticed warning signs such as roof deck warping, buckling of shingles or mildew growth, call Arry’s Roofing at 727.362.2230 to schedule an inspection and a free estimate. In some cases, repairs now could spare you the expense of total roof replacement in the near future. Learn more about us by liking our Facebook page and following us on Twitter @ArrysRoofing.